Web Site Terms of Use
Thank you for visiting the Tsuchigumo Daiko Ltd website. We take your privacy seriously. Please take the time to read and understand Tsuchigumo Daikos' policy on the protection of personal information to learn more about our information practices, including the type of information we gather, how and for what purposes such information is used, to whom the information is disclosed, how it is safeguarded and how you can access your personal information in our possession ("Privacy Policy"). We recommend that you consult these Terms and Conditions prior to using our website in order to inform yourself of your obligations.
1.0 Disclaimer
We take every care and precaution to ensure that information published on our Website is accurate when posted and regularly updated, but neither do we guarantee its accuracy. You are advised to verify the accuracy of any information before acting upon it. We may change the information at any time without notice. We publish the Website “as is” without any warranty of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of our Website, the accuracy of the information or the products or services referred to on the Website (in so far as such warranties may be excluded under any relevant law). We shall not be liable for any losses or damage that may result from use of the Website as a consequence of any inaccuracies in, or any omissions from, the information, which it may contain.
2.0 Applicable Law
The laws of Scotland govern these conditions of use and you agree that the Scottish courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in any dispute.
Copyright Statement
1.0 The Copyright
All copyrights in this website are strictly reserved to Tsuchigumo Daiko Ltd.
All copyrights in this website including music, illustrations, pictures, sound, scripts, animation and any other material appearing on this website, otherwise known as “content” belong to Tsuchigumo Daiko Ltd, or third parties authorising Tsuchigumo Daiko Ltd to use the copyrights.
In accessing the Tsuchigumo Daiko Website, you agree that you will use the contents for your own private use, and not for public display at any time. You may not make alterations, copy, store in any medium (including other websites), distribute, perform or transmit any part of the website without the prior written permissions of Tsuchigumo Daiko Ltd in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
2.0 Accuracy
The Information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. We have made reasonable efforts to ensure that the Information is accurate at the time of inclusion. However, like any printed material, the Information may be out of date at the time of access by the visitor. We shall not be liable for any error or omission in, or any failure to update, such Information and any decisions based on the Information are the sole responsibility of the visitor.
3.0 Links to External Websites
Certain links on this Website lead to other Websites that will have separate privacy and data collection practices. We have no responsibility or liability for those third party policies.
Privacy Policy Statement
1.0 Statement of Intent
This is the Tsuchigumo Daiko Ltd website policy relating to the personal information that you may be asked to provide when using this website. This includes personal data, e-mail address and other pieces of specific personal data to you. We wish to express in this Privacy Policy, our respect for your privacy and have set out below our specific guidelines to inform you of how we retain your information and for what purpose.
2.0 What Information do we collect?
The information we collect from you when registering, or as part of an online service is exclusively for the use of Tsuchigumo Daiko Ltd. This may include your email address, postcode and perhaps your first and last names. Under the Data Protection Act you have the right to request a copy of all personal information we hold for you. All such requests should be sent to,
10 Earlybraes Drive
G33 4PQ
United Kingdom.
An appropriate fee will be payable on the disclosure of this information. Should any of the data be incorrect or incomplete, a written statement should be sent to the same address where Tsuchigumo Daiko Ltd will endeavour to amend the data promptly.
3.0 Site Statistics
We may gather non-personal data regarding site visitors to our website. This is provided to use statistical information on visits to pages, type of browsers being used to view the site, paths taken through the site and other general information. Under no circumstances can this be linked to a particular individual.
4.0 Cookies
A “cookie” is a small text file, which helps the server to identify your computer but not the individual. The cookies help us to make your visitor session a more personal and enriching experience. If you wish not to have this facility you are able to disable cookies using that option in your particular browsers settings.
5.0 Disclosure of Information
In addition to these safeguards, your personal data is protected in the UK by the Data Protection Act 1998 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation). This provides amongst other things that the data we hold about you should be processed lawfully and fairly. It should be;
Processed for limited purposes
Fairly and lawfully processed
Adequate, relevant and not excessive
Not kept longer than necessary
Processed in accordance with the data subjects’ rights
Kept securely
Not transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area without adequate protection.
6.0 Removing subscription to mailing lists
If at any time our site contains subscription mailing lists there will always be the option to remove you from the aforementioned list. Normally this, “unsubscribe” option will appear at the bottom of the most recently sent email newsletter.
7.0 Security
Tsuchigumo Daiko Ltd is bound by the Data Protection Act 1998 and will comply with its' requirements. Any details you give will remain completely confidential.
8.0 Changes to Privacy Policy
Tsuchigumo Daiko Ltd reserves the right to modify and update the terms and conditions of this website. In continually striving to improve our service for our clients, we need to be able to enhance the site in ways deemed appropriate.
9.0 Social Media Usage
While we may have official profiles on social media platforms, users are advised to verify authenticity of such profiles before engaging with, or sharing information with, such profiles. We will never ask for user passwords or personal details on social media platforms. Users are advised to conduct themselves appropriately when engaging with us on social media.
There may be instances where our website features social sharing buttons, which help share web content directly from web pages to the respective social media platforms. You use social sharing buttons at your own discretion and accept that doing so may publish content to your social media profile feed or page. You can find further information about some social media privacy and usage policies in the resources section below.
10.0 Further Information
For further information regarding any of these points please contact tsuchigumodaiko@gmail.com